Mauricio Sarrias, Do monetary subjective well-being evaluations vary across space? Comparing continuous and discrete spatial heterogeneity. 2019, SPATIAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS
Juan Palomino, The monetary subjective health evaluation for commuting long distances in Chile: A latent class analysis. 2019, PAPERS IN REGIONAL SCIENCE
Mauricio Sarrias, Do monetary subjective well-being evaluations vary across space? Comparing continuous and discrete spatial heterogeneity. 2018, SPATIAL ECONOMIC ANALYSIS
Patricio Aroca, Regional concentration and national economic growth in Brazil and Chile. 2018, LETTERS IN SPATIAL AND RESOURCE SCIENCES
Mauricio Sarrias, Individual-specific point and interval conditional estimates of latent class logit parameters. 2018, JOURNAL OF CHOICE MODELLING
Ricardo A.Daziano, Are consumers willing to pay to let cars drive for them? Analyzing response to autonomous vehicles. 2017, TRANSPORTATION RESEARCH PART C-EMERGING TECHNOLOGIES
Mauricio Sarrias, Multinomial Logit Models with Continuous and Discrete Individual Heterogeneity in R: The gmnl Package. 2017, JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL SOFTWARE
William F. Maloney, Convergence to the managerial frontier. 2017, JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC BEHAVIOR & ORGANIZATION